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Gun Control

Weekly Report 2/27/2018 to 3/5/2018

This past week, I spent a lot of time reflecting on the possibilities for my final product. Rather than choosing a product which might allow me to further my career in the law, I decided to focus my efforts on documenting a topic related to the law: gun control. A lot of my fascination with the law and partially my reasons for studying it at all have been that it interests me; I enjoy studying landmark Supreme Court cases and reading about special cases with crazy crimes. In addition, I love to learn more about debates. Participating in them myself is always invigorating, but, at the same time, simply listening to the arguments is intriguing in itself.

Because of this, for my final product, I have decided to film and edit a documentary focusing on the debate in Texas on gun control. The issue is very polarizing, but there seems to be a rise in moderates and independents who, although they associate and identify with the Republican party, are beginning to favor stricter regulation of gun ownership. Especially with the amount of school shootings that have recently occurred and even with the Collin County police officer who was shot just a few weeks ago, this topic is growing in popularity both nationally and locally, and I would like to learn more about the Collin County legal professionals’ opinions on it.

I am equally excited to be filming in a documentary style since I have not done a project such as this before. Growing in my film skills and my understanding of legal debates involving public policy will be helpful for me to better understand Texas legislation and the Republican Party’s wedge issues, and in addition will provide me with more videography experience to add to my video marketing portfolio.

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