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Weekly Report 03/27/2018 to 04/02/2018

Recently, I have had a difficult time progressing with my final product. For understandable reasons, Mrs. LeCocq declined to interview for my film since it does involve political beliefs, but she was very kind to let me record parts of the Pride Time safety presentation. However, I have had trouble securing additional interviews. I reached out to the Frisco Gun Club but never heard back from them, a family friend who goes hunting for sport has yet to reply for a date and time to be interviewed, and the Reedy walkout protesters have not responded to my Twitter message either. Although I am sure that they have just forgotten to respond or are simply too busy, I am struggling to find new, willing interviewees.

In addition, I am having a hard time locating prominent liberal voices. Since it is Texas, the general population has a conservative belief system, so finding more pro gun control representatives is difficult not only because there are less of them but also because those that do hold these beliefs tend to be less vocal about them for fear of the mass Republican opinion.

In the mean time, I am going to compile the footage that I have so far and begin to script a general outline to follow. Using the article that Ms. Boivie sent me and my own private research, I will start to create a narrative on my own and independently research further in order to understand both sides of the story. Then, I will pursue new potential interviewees or re-ask those who I have already contacted to remind them of my project in case they are still interested in participating.

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