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Almost There

Weekly Report 05/08/2018 to 05/20/2018

Recently, I have been practicing my ISM final presentation. I gave my presentation for my small group of friends in Senor Vargas’ room a couple of days ago, which was more nerve-wracking than I had initially expected it to be. Since my mom, one of my favorite teachers, and some of my closest friends attended the presentation, I was more fidgety and jittery than usual. I began my presentation very shakily, and after reflecting on this with my mom, she suggested that I add to my introduction about myself in order to give a clearer background about who I am and what I enjoy. She also recommended to me that I include more visual aids in order to keep the focus away from myself in order to ease my nerves (a little bit at least). In addition, I went through the presentation very quickly, and missed many of the key points which I had written down on my notecards because I was so nervous that I forgot to look at them. Tomorrow I will be practicing for Ms. Bowling’s Gifted and Talented class in the morning, so hopefully I will continue to improve upon my presentational abilities with further practice.

Furthermore, I have been working on finishing up my final product. The editing process has been slow and tedious because I have been sorting through two hours of footage. The sound-bites I have selected have been insightful and interesting and will add great value to my documentary. However, I still need to add voice-overs to explain my own personal research that will tie the film together in a cohesive manner.

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